——Give a brief self-introduction and tell me about your background?
——Why do you want to be an architect/landscape designer/urban designer?
——Why do you want to study architecture/landscape architectureurban design?
——Why do you want to continue studying architecture/landscape/urban design/interior?Why do you feel you are prepared to continue studying architecture?
——How would you describe the role of an architect/landscape/urban design/in the world today?
——What are the greatest challenges facing architecturelandscapeurban design today?
02 关于你作品集的问题,如
——Which is your favorite project in the portfolio?
——which architectdesigner influences you most ?
——What is your role in your XXX project?
——Why do you choose this design as your project?
03 关于你职业经历的问题,如
——Tell me about KPF/SOM as U had been an intern there for 3 months?
——What is your role during your internship in XXXX,
——What have you learned through your entire internship in KPFSOMXXX?
04 关于你自身性格背景的,如
——What is your greatest weakness?
——What is your greatest strength?
——What has been your favorite class?Why? Favorite subject?
——What is your favorite book?
——What is your favorite city?
05 关于你自身学习发展定位的,如
——What is your future goal/ career plan after graduate, where and why?
——What do you hope to learn in our school?
06 关于面试学校本身的,如
——why choose our school to your future study?
——what interested you most in our school, faculty,programs?
07 尬聊的,如
——How many schools have you applied for and which one will you choose as your final decision?
——Would you will come to study here if you receive our offer?
——What is the weather today in your hometown?